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Formats for Bank Statements in Excel

Formats for Bank Statements in Excel

There are two forms of dynamically usable Excel templates for importing bank statements from excel to Tally.

  1. Bank Statement – Double column
  2. Bank Statement – Single column

Mandatory Information

  • The sheet should have the name “Bank.”
  • The sheet’s header should adhere to the two types of templates provided.
  • The header’s name, caps, small, and space shouldn’t change.
  • Validations for the Header and Data

Mandatory Column

  • Date, which must be in date format, is a mandatory column.
  • Details or Description is written information based on information from a bank statement.
  • The amount must be expressed as a number and cannot contain a negative sign.
  • LedgerName, to be put up in accordance with the Tally necessary ledger name.

Optional Column

  • AccountName is the bank ledger that will be used to reconcile the bank statement after it is imported.
  • Remarks and further information may be included if needed.
  • Chq No, any reference or a blank may be used.
  • If necessary, fill out BillName to link a bill reference to the appropriate ledger.
  • If necessary, fill out CostCentre to map each cost center to its corresponding ledger.

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