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How to automate data entry between Excel and Tally

How to automate data entry between Excel and Tally

Data entry is a necessary work for firms that handle a high volume of financial transactions. Manual data entry can be time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient, resulting in mistakes and delays in financial data processing.

Businesses can utilize automation technologies to transmit data across different systems, such as Excel and Tally, to improve data entry operations and eliminate errors. This blog will walk you through the process of automating data entry between Excel and Tally.

Step 1: Installing Tally

Before we begin, we must check that Tally is properly configured to allow for data import from Excel. To accomplish this, we must allow the import data option in the Tally software. This could be done by following these steps:

Open Tally and choose the company with which you want to collaborate.
Select ‘Import Data’ from the ‘Gateway of Tally’ menu.
Select ‘Excel’ as the import source by clicking on it.

To establish a new import format, select ‘Set/Alter Excel Import Format’.
Enter the format’s name and choose the fields from Excel that you want to import.
Save the format and close the window.

Step 2: Making the Excel file

The following step is to prepare the Excel file that will be imported into Tally. To do so, check that the Excel file is in the correct format and has all of the required data fields. Here are the actions to take:

Create a new file in Excel.
Fill in the blanks with the fields you want to import into Tally. These fields should correspond to the fields you selected in Tally’s import format.
Tally supports the CSV file format, so save the file in that format.

Step 3: Field mapping

The next step is to translate the Excel fields to the Tally fields. This ensures that the data is imported into the appropriate Tally fields. Here are the actions to take:

Open Tally and choose the company with which you want to collaborate.
Select ‘Import Data’ from the ‘Gateway of Tally’ menu.
Select ‘Excel’ as the import source by clicking on it.
Click the ‘Load’ button and select the Excel file that you want to import.

Choose the import format you created in Step 1.
Transform the fields in the Excel file into Tally fields.
To save the mapping, click the ‘Accept’ button.

Step 4: Importing the data

The data must then be imported into Tally. Here are the actions to take:

Open Tally and choose the company with which you want to collaborate.
Select ‘Import Data’ from the ‘Gateway of Tally’ menu.
Select ‘Excel’ as the import source by clicking on it.
Click ‘Load’ and navigate to the Excel file you want to import.
Choose the import format you created in Step 1.
To import the data into Tally, click the ‘Import’ button.

Advantages of data entry automation between Excel and Tally

Businesses might profit from automating data entry between Excel and Tally. These advantages include:

Time-saving: By minimising the time it takes to manually enter data into Tally, businesses can save time. Employees might use this time to focus on other responsibilities.

Error reduction: By automating data entry, the danger of errors that can occur during manual data entry is reduced. This can help to assure financial data accuracy and limit the risk of financial misstatements.

Efficiency: By eliminating the need for human data entry, automating data entry can improve the efficiency of data entry procedures. This can shorten the time it takes to enter data into Tally and so increase overall productivity.

Cost savings: Automating data input can also help to reduce the costs associated with human data entry, such as labor and error correction.


For firms that deal with a high volume of financial transactions, automating data entry between Excel and Tally can give various advantages. Businesses can streamline data input operations, decrease errors, and enhance productivity by following the techniques indicated in this blog. Data input automation can also help to save time and money, which can improve a company’s overall financial health.

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